The judge walked along the displayed aisles,
And evaluates each one,
Each representing hours of work,
Before their art is done.
And every work of art is dear,
And all a story tells,
Of horses, cattle, cowboys strong,
And every one could sell.
So the winners know they can’t be proud,
Could have gone a different way,
And those who lose don’t really lose,
‘Cause on any given day,
The art created is a gift,
For all to gladly see,
Appreciate the talent shown,
And shared with you and me.
The Good Book gives us special truth,
About who and why we are,
Calls us God’s own masterpiece,
And brings some from afar,
To paint upon life’s canvas,
The beauty of His will,
The grace to make that happen,
And His colors so to fill,
More beautiful than sunsets,
Or the sunrise brilliant sky,
More than majestic mountains rising,
On horizons far and high,
The masterpiece He’s creating,
Surpasses sea shores’ breaking waves,
Canyons, forests, deserts, too,
With reviews all filled with raves.
The pinnacle of all that is,
The crown of all creation,
Created in His image,
By the Spirit’s animation.
Love that says His unique smile,
Is given to His kin,
And we’re created and redeemed,
His family to be in.
The Artist of the ages,
Is the One who loves us most,
And we’re the prized possession,
Of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
“For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
Sometimes it’s translated “workmanship” or “handiwork.” In any case human beings are God’s special project of redemption. Before creating the world He planned for us to do good things. And this is accomplished when we are saved by His grace and transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit. We may not be everything we ought to be, but thank God we’re not what we used to be!
Lord, teach us to cooperate with the plan You are painting into our lives, in Jesus’ name.
Art by R.S. Riddick, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless you.