
There’s something ‘bout the morning,

Before the sun comes up,

There’s a stillness in the dawning,

When I’m drinking my first cup.

You’ll hear God’s creatures stirring,

And the birds may start their song,

Right there at the beginning,

And it won’t be very long,

Before they’re up and flying,

And the sun’s rays streak the sky,

The pinks and golds and crimson,

As the first light makes its try,

To say to all the watchers,

That there is a God above,

And He is ever-present,

To share with us His love.

How can one watch the sunrise,

And not believe He’s there,

Guess life has been so cruel,

They have not felt His care.

But promised in the Scripture,

Is that with each sunrise,

When morning breaks the darkness,

And new light fills the skies.

God’s mercy rises with it,

And each new day the same,

God is always faithful,

And life in Jesus’ name,

Is offered every morning,

Afresh and so brand new,

I feel it every morning,

And hope that you can, too.

“…His mercies begin afresh each morning…” Lamentations 3:23, NLT)

How often do we need fresh mercy? I would suggest every single morning. And how often does the Bible tell us it is given? Every single morning! This is true without exception, but not all receive what is given. Why? Many reasons. But one of the most obvious is the arrogance that denies it’s need for help. God doesn’t play favorites. He loves unconditionally. But the attitude of humility is a great trigger for receiving God’s mercy. Being humble means we not only acknowledge our need, but will accept God’s help on God’s terms. Though not always easy, it is profoundly simple. And the mercy is there, every morning,,,

Lord, help us to receive the mercy that is new every morning, in Jeusus’ name.

Art by Don Dane, dondane.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain