"Cowboy On"

They couldn’t understand it,

This cowboy thing of mine,

Been helping gather cattle,

Since ‘fore the age of nine.

They thought maybe a fancy,

Like some kid would make up,

In their imagination,

But gosh-durned the luck,

I never did get over,

The way it made me feel,

In spite of all the others,

My cowboy dream was real.

A counselor once told me,

That those cowboys gave me worth,

When they praised my ride and ropin’,

Almost since my birth.

So maybe that’s the answer,

Or maybe DNA,

But let me tell you, brother,

I love the cowboy way.

But deep as that old river,

Is one that’s deeper still,

It’s that I am a son of God,

Lord, let the Spirit fill,

All of me that’s cowboy,

And use it in His way,

For He knows I surrender,

Try hard His will obey.

Lord, take all that’s selfish,

And help it all to die,

And take all that is worthy,

And fill with godly try.

And help us not to falter,

Forgive us when we fall,

And help us keep on spurrin’,

And answerin’ your call.

“…take up your cross daily and follow Me…” (Luke 9:23, NLT)

Bonhoeffer once said that when Jesus calls a man, He calls him to come and die. This is always true. Taking up one’s cross is not optional or negotiable for followers of Jesus. In fact even our conversion is all about trusting Jesus to not only forgive us but to transform our lives. That’s why we get baptized in water, to show that we are dying to our old lives, being buried, and being raised to walk with Jesus in a new life. Taking up our cross means we choose to die to our egotistical selfishness on a daily basis. Being saved is a once in a lifetime experience. But dying to ourselves is not! It’s about intentionally cooperating with God’s grace to shape our identities and purge our narcissism. Only He can heal it.

Lord, help us to die to ourselves and live for You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain