"My Children"


My youngest son got married,

And now just one to go,

And she will be, sometime you see,

Next year, we do not know.


Children once, but now grown-up,

Their lives have changed so much,

But yes I am, a thankful man,

And I still love their touch.


With hugs and smiles for Daddy,

Though I’m a senior now,

I look at them, and think back when,

The years went by somehow.


I’m glad to be their father,

A grandaddy to their kids,

The love to give, as long I live,

Like my old daddy did.


And best of all, our Father,

Who gives to us His love,

It never cools, but always rules,

And sent from Him above.


He’s always there to help us,

None can ever separate,

He sees our days and loves always,

For His blessing there’s no wait.


So we praise God for the children,

And for their children, too,

He gifts us here, with them so dear,

Until our lives are through.

“…Instead, you have received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as His own children. Now we call Him, ‘Abba, Father.’” (Romans 8:15, NLT)

Because we believe in the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus, God’s Son, we are born again. God’s Holy Spirit is poured into our hearts and we have been adopted into God’s family. But the best part is not that our sins are forgiven or that we are assured of eternal life in heaven when we die. No, the best part of all is that we get to enjoy an intimate fatherly relationship with God. He becomes our Abba, which means daddy. And when we know Him in this way our lives change. Our sense of self-worth shifts in a positive direction, and God’s purpose fills our days. In and through it all, His mighty love sets us free to live as His children. Jesus said if we knew how to give love to our children, in spite of our human sins and selfishness, how much more will our heavenly Father bless His kids. It’s a wonderful thought, and a life-changing reality. Thank God for our children and grandchildren. And thank God we have become His children, too.

Lord, help us live out the life-changing freedom of Your love, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Kirstie Lamber, used by permission. Thanks, Kirstie, and God bless you.

Brad McClain