"Old, New Year"
They say that 2020,
Was the worst that ever was,
And you know why they said it,
No wonder there because,
Of chaos, crime and covid,
Death and all the rest,
And most of us just trying,
To pray and do our best.
But while all this was going,
The Lord still had control,
Nothing made Him worried,
He still was saving souls.
And some of life’s big blessings,
Came in 2020,
To teach us we can trust Him,
And He’ll supply us plenty.
So let’s ring in the new year,
And tell the old good-bye,
We never will forget it,
So let’s not even try.
But keep our eyes on Jesus,
The One who leads the way,
And focus on what matters,
Every single day.
Love the Lord and others,
With all of our whole hearts,
And cherish every moment,
And always do our parts,
To reach out to the hurting,
And those who’ve lost their way,
Give them hope and healing,
And let them hear us say,
Jesus is the answer,
Always was and is,
The Lord of 2021,
What once was and this.
“…We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus…” (Hebrews 12:1, NLT)
The race continues year to year. The more years that pass the more we should be cognizant that Jesus is the only answer. He was the only answer in 2020, and it’s still true in 2021. What should we do? Exactly what the writer of Hebrews said to do: stay focused on Jesus and lay aside everything that distracts us. If we look to simply look to Him, we will discover an accurate perspective on everything else. It also stacks the odds that we will receive the power of Jesus’ Spirit to run the race. Everything changes when we get a fresh glimpse of Jesus.
Lord, help us run our race with endurance, looking unto Jesus, in His name we pray.
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.