They say when you begin it,

Should have the end in mind,

Without some destination,

The trail is hard to find.

Take herding those old longhorns,

Along the Chisholm Trail,

Started down in Texas,

To find the Kansas rail.

And now we use the GPS,

Like we used to an old map,

You type in where you want to go,

You’ll get there, that is that.

And where on earth we’re going,

In the new year twenty-one,

Should be about eternity,

And what our Savior won,

When He became the way for us,

To heaven’s golden shore,

And every step on this side,

Should take us through that door.

Let the Lord’s word guide you,

And let the Spirit lead,

Find a godly GPS,

And there will be no need,

For any trial and error,

Or missing the best way,

To Him we will surrender,

Every single day.

“For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better…” (Phil. 1:21, NLT)

If our lives are defined by our relationship to Jesus, our eternal destination is certain. This life has never been about this life, anyway. It’s always been about the life to come. This is Paul’s testimony. That’s why he couldn’t decide whether to stay or go. It was better for the people he helped for him to stay and serve the Lord by serving them. But he was focused on the world to come, and was eager to be with Jesus. That’s exactly how all of us should be. When we are, we will get sidetracked much less.

Lord, help us to live for You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Ann Hanson, annhanson.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Ann, and God bless you.

Art by Ann Hanson, annhanson.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Ann, and God bless you.

Brad McClain