"Older, Wiser"
I know you’ve heard ‘em say it,
You’re young as e’re you feel,
And, brother, I am feeling old,
And here is just the deal.
Old cowboys, dogs, and horses,
My soul seems to agree,
With the way they live and move,
When I see ‘em I see me.
And, no, I haven’t given up,
And I know I am not through,
I’m ready when God calls me,
But there’s more for me to do.
But I’ll do it at a steady pace,
And not in such a rush,
I’ll let things go that bother me,
And try hard not to push.
Flow with things that happen,
And what you can’t control,
Put it in the Good Lord’s hands,
Stay focused on the goal.
When people show their love for you,
Be thankful that they came,
And with the ones who let you down,
Give love to them the same.
But learn the ones whom you can trust,
On whom you can depend,
And never underestimate,
The value of a friend.
Older should mean wiser,
So I seek the Lord to give,
All I’m needing for this season,
And what it takes to live,
Full out and for Jesus,
With His Spirit as my guide,
Then go and move the mountain,
Full of courage, never hide.
”If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and He will give it to you…” (James 1:5, NLT)
All of us need wisdom. We need it for ourselves, our families, and our future. We need it so that we may overcome the challenges and pitfalls of life. And God is the author of wisdom. Yet some people never acknowledge their need or the One who offers to meet it. This is the epitome of foolishness. In fact, the very definition of a fool is one who rejects belief in God. And at its heart, all sin is deeply irrational. But the way of wisdom is within reach, and this is because God makes it so. He has offered all of us His special, powerful, personal, and life-changing wisdom through Jesus Christ. Jesus is God’s wisdom personified. Ask for wisdom, and God promises to give it.
Lord, give us wisdom, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Robert Shoofly Shufelt, used by permission. Thanks, Robert, and God bless you.