"Some Men"

 Some men live with what is wrong,

And give up on their try,

In making life go better,

They’re dead before they die.


And you can understand it,

‘Cause life can get real bad,

We know why some stop fighting,

‘Cause trouble we’ve all had.


But really it’s a sad thing,

When you see a man like that,

It’s like he’s always hungry,

Though might be full and fat.


‘Cause they say there’s only three things,

That we ever really need,

And if you wonder what they are,

I’ll try to plant the seed.


One, a man needs someone,

Whom he can love and be,

Someone’s one and only,

To return his love, you see.


Second, he needs a mission,

To plan for and to do,

He needs to feel like he’s a part,

Of something big, it’s true.


Third and last he needs to see,

Tomorrow with a smile,

Have something to look forward to,

It’ll be here in awhile.


If a man has these three things,

Received from God’s own plan,

He’ll never think he must give up,

On being a real man.


And that’s what Jesus had in mind,

When so long ago He said,

The thief will steal, kill and destroy,

But I give life instead.


So if you’re in a battle,

And you’re ready to give up,

It’s not about a twist of fate,

Or just down on your luck.


But choose to live a better life,

Ask God to show the way,

Cowboy up and you will find,

A brand new start today.

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT)

The great promise of God is that people can change. We don’t believe it, however. We say we do, but when faced with impossible, train wreck situations, we often make exceptions to what we believe. God can do miracles, but we are all too willing to write people off as a lost cause or too far gone. Yet they aren’t…not as long as there is a heartbeat. Death is the only thing that brings this life’s opportunity to a close. We should never give up hope for ourselves or others. Jesus Christ gives people a new life. He can. He will. Believe it.

Lord, help us never give up hoping in a changed life, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Jamie Means, used by permission. Thanks, Jamie, and God bless. you.

Brad McClain