"On Time"

It happens when you need it,

And not a day before,

I don’t always like it,

But day by day, not more.


And through every season,

When failing or a win,

When a new sun rises,

The new grace will begin.


Sometimes it feels like God is late,

But you know He never is,

Always, only right on time,

And let me tell you this,


When He wants to change something,

It seems He wants it now,

I know it’s just perception,

That’s how it feels somehow.


So He’s not late or early,

And in my heart I know,

Change in me seems urgent,

My miracle seems slow.


I’m walking in the Spirit,

Going with the flow,

Trusting for the daily grace,

Whether I’m high or low.


So if you’re in a valley,

Or on the mountain top,

Planting seeds and sowing,

Or reaping up a lot,


Whatever your life’s season,

We hear His promise say,

He supplies our every need,

And will come through today.

“Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning…” (Lamentations 3:23, NLT)

One of the most harsh of all realities is experiencing the unfaithfulness of people. It’s nearly impossible to get through life without betrayal from someone we love. Some of our greatest hurts and challenges to forgive are tied in with such. We see it in ourselves as well. But God is faithful. How faithful? Completely faithful, and on a daily basis. His grace comes in daily increments and is as trustworthy as the new sunrise. Such faithfulness anchors and secures us, helping us to live on purpose without fear. His love heals our deepest wounds and meets our deepest needs. The faithfulness of the Lord is the foundation of every life well-lived.

Lord, help us build our lives on Your faithfulness, in Jesus’. name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain