
I couldn’t make that colt behave,

Seemed he had me beat,

We’d make a little progress,

And then he would retreat.


I watched a couple videos,

I called a friend of mine,

Nothing really seemed to work,

It was heavy on my mind.


The preacher at the cowboy church,

Stood up to give his talk,

But all that I could think about,

Was how that colt would balk.


But then I heard the preacher say,

The problem’s not out there,

But what’s happening inside us,

And he went on to share,


That we are often praying,

That someone else will change,

And our lives will get better,

If they will rearrange,


The things that they are saying,

And behavior that they do,

When really what it’s all about,

Is how we react, it’s true.


I shook his hand and thanked him,

When I walked out the door,

He gave me lots to think about,

I realized even more,


That the problem I was having,

With that colt and what he did,

Was all about frustration,

Inside me that I hid.


And he could sense my tension,

I really think it’s true,

And that’s why he reacted,

And did what he could do,


To get away from trouble,

It took some time for me,

To let go those old stressors,

That would not leave me be.


Good story is that pony,

Has really made a horse,

And I am more than thankful,

That I realized of course,


That the problem was not outside,

There was no one to blame,

But what was on the inside,

Got healed in Jesus name.

“So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me…” (Romans 7:21, NIV)

Paul described the inner struggle we all feel at times. We want to do God’s will, but there is something else inside us that pulls in the opposite direction and leads us astray. We all have a sinful nature that is incorrigible in its argument against what the Lord wants us to do. Usually some old injury is involved that has not been fully healed, and we default to selfishness to make ourselves feel better in the short run. This causes problems between us and God, as well as our relationships with others. But Paul points to the reality of Jesus Christ living within us as the key to victory. When Jesus lives through us He can empower our victory over selfishness and sin. Coming into agreement with that victory is the big challenge, and realizing that the problem is not “out there” but in our own hearts.

Lord, change us from the inside out, in Jesus’ name.

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Brad McClain