
The pain you feel, may seem unreal,

And drive you to the brink,

Too great to bear, the weight of care,

And change the way you think.


The chronic calf, now don’t you laugh,

That just needs one more shot,

Can’t get well, and you can tell,

He’s been in pain a lot.


I’ve felt like that, just cried and sat,

And wondered if I’d live,

Felt so gone, had lived too long,

Though God His blessings give.


So got that shot, His grace was bought,

By His wounds healing came,

And though the pain, made my strength drain,

I’m healed in Jesus’ name.

“…by His wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24, NIV)

Our healing happened when Jesus suffered and died. it’s all because of His wounds that we have hope. In that singular act Jesus provided healing for the whole world, and Lord knows we need it. Why then do so many continue to suffer? It is only because we have not accepted and received the relief He provides. I know some are not physically healed until they die and go to heaven. The same may be said for many of our human maladies. But the truth is that the inward healing of hurts and injuries is something that we all can experience today. It is in the strength of this healing that we are energized to forgive those who caused our pain. Remember, it is by His wounds that we' are healed. Nothing is more powerful than that.

Lord, help us accept the healing You have provided, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Anton, used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Brad McClain