"Tears in the Canyon"
Back before the wire was strung,
And bison roamed the land,
On the winds their songs were sung,
The plains at their command.
Fierce and warlike, none could track,
Their stronghold canyon star,
Beyond where threats did not come back,
The distance was so far.
But finally the camp was found,
And all the tribesman fled,
A thousand horses herded round,
And soon they all were dead.
With streaming eyes as horses fell,
The soldiers did as told,
But never could forget that hell,
No matter years grown old.
Horseback people broken, done,
Without a horse to ride,
But Palo Duro’s blazing sun,
Will certainly provide,
The visitor the chance to see,
What long since happened there,
When Quanah Parker had to flee,
And his horses had no prayer.
And if you listen close you’ll hear,
The weeping of those mounts,
And yesterdays ago their fears,
Beyond what history counts.
Death we know will come to all,
But some so painfully,
As bullets fly the strongest fall,
Tears flow from you and me.
Let’s go to that sad valley,
And find where horses died,
And try to make a tally,
Of all the tears they cried.
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4, NIV)
This life is full of tragedy and pain. We grieve and mourn the violence, injustice, and misery of mankind. But the day is coming when all of this will come to an end. When the Kingdom of God is established publicly and eternally, God will bring relief. He will wipe every tear away, and suffering and death will be no more. It’s our blessed hope and it’s coming. Know it. Believe it. Count on it.
Lord, strengthen our hope, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tyler Crow, used by permission. Thanks, Tyler, and God bless you.