When I stop to contemplate,
The grace God’s given me,
I cannot rate something so great,
A blessing meant to be.
And if you say describe it,
I’d do my very best,
With words and song so true and strong,
To answer your request.
But I could spend a lifetime,
It’s beauty so transcends,
With all my days filled full with praise,
And hardly to begin,
To even scratch the surface,
Of these waters deep and wide,
I only know the overflow,
He always will provide.
Something that fills the universe,
And every lonely heart,
It’s so immense, and present tense,
Creator’s work of art.
And we are the recipients,
Though nothing we can earn,
His favor shows, on us bestows,
And awesome when we learn,
That nothing wrong we’ve ever done,
Can take that love away,
And staying right with all our might,
Is not what makes it stay.
But the grace He freely gives to us,
Is based on His great choice,
He’s good to all, both great and small,
So listen to His voice,
The voice that blows upon the wind,
From Scriptures printed red,
God so loves those satan shoved,
Always and ever said,
You belong to Me, my child,
I give to you My grace,
The sacrifice has paid the price,
Till the finish of your race.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8, NAS)
Grace is truly amazing. God’s undeserved, unmerited favor is given freely to us, not based upon our performance but upon the goodness of God. No sin we have committed can diminish the grace in any way, and no righteous act can increase it. In other words there is nothing we can do to make God love us more than He already does. Such knowledge motivates us to live the way the Lord intends, and share the grace as freely as He has shared it with us. Grace saves, heals, delivers and sets the captive free. Amazing!
Lord, help us to fully receive and freely give Your grace, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.