"Pass the Peace"
There’s a time in worship,
Called “passing of the peace,”
Or “let’s just greet each other,”
It’s meant for love release.
To spread to one another,
What we from God receive,
His welcome and His blessing,
And all that we believe.
Now it seems we’re threatened,
By an illness strong and grave,
If there ever was a time,
To have courage and be brave,
It’s now that we the people,
Who say we love the Lord,
To say to all who’ll listen,
That they can come onboard.
And find the peace God offers,
To you and one and all,
We want to pass it to you,
If on Him you’ll call.
There’s healing and salvation,
Yes, by His stripes we’re healed,
He will cast out your greatest fear,
And with His Spirit fill.
“He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By His wounds you are healed.” (1 Peter 2:24, NLT)
Healing is a wonderful prospect! If you’ve ever been sick or injured and then gotten well, you know how it feels. About nine years ago I had a severe horseback accident that was completely unexpected. Mind you I’ve ridden my entire life and not a stranger to horses. But on this particular day a borrowed horse bucked me off and caused a broken pelvis, hip and adjoining bones, and two ribs. I did not require surgery but was bedridden for quite awhile. I’ll never forget the pain or how traumatized my body was by the injury. But thank God I healed! Jesus died to heal us. The greatest illness that causes the greatest injury is sin. But thank God Jesus bore our sins so that we can be healed. He frequently brings miracles of healing for people’s bodies, too. No matter how threatened you may feel about the spread of the corona virus, there is a peace that God gives to all who will call on Him. I hope you will.
Lord, we call on You to give us Your peace and healing, in Jesus’ name.