
Can you describe a patriot,

By the color of his skin,

Or could it be all races,

Have loved our country, been,


Those who would defend her,

And give their sacrifice,

Shed their blood on distant shores,

And pay an awful price.


Do they have a certain look,

With culture sophisticated,

Known quite a few with humble starts,

And down home educated.


Known cowboys who were patriots,

Known teachers and some preachers,

Known nurses and some doctors,

With patriotic features.


Know people from all walks of life,

Who love this country true,

And know that God has blessed us,

And showed us what to do,


To be one nation under God,

And in the Lord we trust,

And if we are to remain free,

Return to Him we must.


For those who love our country most,

Believe God has a plan,

To bless and use our nation,

So that all across our land,


We’ll see a great awakening,

Just like in times far past,

When many turn to God above,

And get the life that lasts.


America, America,

God shed His grace on thee,

We give our all, on Him we call,

To help us to stay free.

“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36, NAS)

Jesus is the author of freedom. All political freedom is derived from spiritual freedom. Jesus sets us free to become all that the Creator planned for us to be. This is the liberation of the soul and rebirth of the spirit that changes a man from the inside-out. Men whom God had set free spiritually envisioned a nation where citizens could enjoy the freedoms intended by the Creator. Their vision of democracy would have been impossible unless informed by their faith. America fares well and is free-er when we recognize this reality. God help us to see it.

Lord, free us spiritually so that we can be agents of freedom, in Jesus’ name.

Personal photo, the presentation of Old Glory at the Parker County Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo.

Brad McClain