
I thank God for America,

Where generations free,

Have lived the dream of liberty,

And may it always be.


I pray for every leader,

I pray for those who serve,

I pray for righteous people,

To always have the nerve,


To stand up for the Lord our God,

Who shed on us His grace,

The world’s best hope of freedom,

America’s the place.


We might be bruised and battered,

And almost torn apart,

But God has planted seeds of hope,

Deep within our heart.


No matter what some people do,

If God’s folks turn to Him,

Humble down and seek His face,

And turn from every sin,


He has promised healing,

To sweep across our land,

I know it can happen,

According to His plan.


So won’t you join me, brother,

And sister, you come, too,

Let’s call on God our Father,

To do what He can do.


We know a great awakening,

Is in the Good Lord’s plan,

And the fire of His Spirit,

Is something we must fan.


O Lord, we pray have mercy,

And send Your Spirit strong,

Rebuild our foundations,

And right our every wrong.


Thank God for America,

For the free and for the brave,

And most of all for Jesus Christ,

The One who still can save.

“…then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NAS)

The promise that God will hear, forgive and heal our land is a big one! What will it take for this to happen? Does it depend upon who we elect as President? Does it hinge upon publicly acknowledging that God is important to us? Is it contingent upon waging war against the threat of evil enemies? As important as these things may be, they are not the conditions that the Lord requires. What, then? If God’s people humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways He will do it. It’s all about a great brokenness among those who love God. It’s about us.

Lord, help us to do what is necessary to claim the promise of healing for our land, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain