The plan is bigger than we know,
It’s sometimes later God will show,
What He’s doing as we go,
We then look back and say,
God was there, I couldn’t see.
But there He kept His word to me,
To put in place His plan to be,
He’s Lord of every day.
Promises His presence sure,
Through everything we can endure,
Overcoming this world’s lure,
The Lord always come through.
The Spirit picks the lowest place,
To let you know He sets the pace,
Says don’t give up, just seek My face,
His Spirit makes life new.
God will work through everything,
Even when it’s hard to sing,
Nothing’s wasted, He will bring,
Whatever grace it takes,
To overcome with His sure grip,
Knowing He won’t let us slip,
All we need to make the trip,
For all of our daybreaks.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28, NIV)
Here is one of God’s greatest promises. It was written in the context of how the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses through His intercession. The point just before the promise is that the Spirit is actively promoting and praying for God’s will in our lives. But, clearly, not everything that happens to us is what the Lord intends. We don’t always do God’s will, and situations arise that are the result of disobedience in a fallen world. But Paul wants the Christians in Rome to know that in an ultimate sense, God is in control. God will work in everything for His glory and our good, even things that He did not originate or approve. The idea is that the Spirit works in and through it all. It’s good tor remember.
Lord, help us to remember the fact that You work in everything and nothing is wasted, in Jesus’ name
Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.