"Spread the Light"
He always spoke the truth, no lie,
When others didn’t seem to try,
But for him he cast the dye,
With what the Lord had said.
Would not tolerate the fools,
Who disregarded all God’s rules,
His training came from life’s hard schools,
For truth he lived and bled.
He learned that those who would deceive,
Manipulate so as to receive,
Who never really did believe,
But still pretended to,
The posers and the hypocrites,
The critics pitching all their fits,
Debaters with whom he matched wits,
God showed him what to do.
God helped him stay one step ahead,
Word and Spirit quietly fed,
Strength upon the snakes to tread,
And in the Lord be strong.
To deal with every antichrist,
Spirits plotting every heist,
Grace to war them will suffice,
To fight all that is wrong.
So come on brother don’t delay,
Let the strong now have their say,
Don’t let the devil win the day,
And call what’s wrong the right.
The lie’s accepted, gets loud, too,
When Christians sit at home and stew,
Not understanding what to do,
And that’s to spread the light,
Yes, go and spread the light.
“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4, NIV)
This passage speaks of people who are influenced by antichrist spirits. They speak from and promote the viewpoint of this world, but the Spirit of truth makes them obvious. John writes to encourage the believers to stand up to the lies, and to know that the Spirit within them is stronger than the devil. The Holy Spirit within us will continue to promote the Lordship of Jesus until His rule is manifested universally. Until then the false prophets will have influence, but their day is coming. God knows when.
Lord, help us to follow the Holy Spirit and resist the spirits of antichrist in the world, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.