I thought, no way it’s possible,
Not even very probable,
That things could ever work the way they did.
But long ago my mama said,
Believing’s from the heart, not head,
And God wins all forever ‘cause the devil He outbid.
Just a cowboy, tried to be one,
From the time I first could see one,
A winding road to get to what’s today.
But it should not surprise me,
That God’s love would baptize me,
Relieve my load and give grace, come what may.
I thought if I was top hand,
And rode full out for my brand,
I couldn’t serve the Lord with all my heart.
But He showed me that I could,
If I surrendered He would,
Give me nerve the devil to outsmart.
And now gone miles a-horseback,
And nary thing do I lack,
The grace to live for Jesus everyday.
And where I go He’s with me,
I never ride adrift, see,
The race I’ll finish, whatever others say.
And one more thing I’ll tell you,
I found a love that stands true,
We will be together to the end.
And praise God that I found her,
Give thanks to be around her,
We will go wherever He will send.
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think…” (Ephesians 3:20, NLT)
God is able to accomplish in, for and through us what we otherwise would consider impossible. But when we surrender to His love and understand its fullness, we are changed from the inside out. It is the most amazing of all transformations. We are still the same basic person in so many ways. But now, because His love dominates our personalities, we are liberated from selfishness and our pursuits are all for His glory. Whatever our individual vocations, He truly makes us fully human and the best we can be. That’s what His love does for us, and we will eternally celebrate its wonders.
Lord, fill our hearts with the endless possibilities created by Your love at work within us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, clarkkelleyprice.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.