
 Let praises be for all you see,

And nevermore complain,

The grace so real we all can feel,

We celebrate our gain.


For all our loss, nailed to the cross,

Has turned to blessing strong,

Because of grace He took my place,

Compassion for my wrong.


If never blessed, test after test,

Until my dying day,

With heaven sweet, I’ll oft repeat,

I know I’ll be okay.


Because that love from up above,

Will always be enough,

The grace so real we all can feel,

Though challenges get tough.


I gladly say, praise God today,

In everything give thanks,

Rejoice that there, an answered prayer,

My name in heaven’s ranks.

“And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God…” (Romans 5:2, NIV)

Our rejoicing is based on the future. We hope in the glory of God, and praise God for it. What is God’s glory? Two things come to mind. First, when the scriptures speak of God’s glory they point o God’s presence. Second, the glory of God is typically connected in scripture responding to God’s presence with awestruck praise. One day the earth will be filled with God’s glory, His presence and praise, just as it is in heaven now. Because of our hope in the future glory of God, we can praise the Lord in our trials now. Keep on praising. We will praise Him forever.

Lord, teach us to rejoice, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Anton, used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Brad McClain