"Problem People"


Some folks like to argue,

Theirs is the better way,

You don’t even have to ask them,

Before they have their say.


I’ve been out there workin’ cattle,

When a gunsel told us how,

Some smiled and just ignored it,

While others wouldn’t bow,


To someone who’s so silly,

They really thought they knew,

And then just had to say it,

But didn’t have a clue.


Some call it acluistic,

They’re really just deceived,

Their pride has had a bad effect,

On what they have received.


I’ve seen folks fight in churches,

Over nothing much at all,

Mostly had to do with money,

And how they spend it, y’all.


I’ve seen ‘em fuss in families,

Over something grandma left,

Some old worthless antique,

But made relationships bereft,


Of respect and common kindness,

That you’d grant a stranger there,

But with our blood and kinfolk,

You show that you don’t care.


So what on earth’s the answer,

To a mean old hateful spirit,

And if they want to argue,

How do you deal with it.


First you must ask Lord Jesus,

To live and love through you,

‘Cause your best try and effort,

Are not enough, it’s true.


And then ask for His wisdom,

He says He’ll freely give,

But don’t be double-minded,

You need it so to live.


Through their controversy,

Respond but don’t react,

Always speak the truth in love,

Whenever they attack.


Go the extra mile with some,

Keep yourself at peace,

Forgive ‘em when they hurt you,

And to the Lord release.


When all is said and over,

Move on, shake off the dust,

You can’t help everybody,

So moving on’s a must.


The detractors and the critics,

The contentious wanna-bes,

Cannot really stop you,

So don’t let ‘em, if you please.


Pray for everybody,

Love enemies and all,

But don’t look back to please ‘em,

Or you’ll miss the Savior’s call.

“The entire Law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” (Galatians 5:14-15, NIV)

These verses are written to Christians, reminding them to love each other and stop “biting” each other. You really have to watch a horse that bites. Once I poured out some feed and a new horse bit me when I wasn’t looking. What’s up with that? Who knows, but sometimes people will surprise us, too. We have to forgive them and keep on loving them no matter how they act. But we don’t have to keep allowing them to bite us. Sometimes it’s better to love someone from a distance! The Lord will show us how and when!

Lord, help us deal with those who bite, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Robert “Shoofly” Shufelt, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless you.

Brad McClain