"When They Cry"

“When They Cry”  1.4.2024

We’re called to bear their burdens,

And weep with those who weep,

Remind them that we’re with ‘em,

And God’s promises He’ll keep.


And when we do remember,

Those times when we were down,

People often helped us,

Gave a smile to help our frown.


The Good Book also tells us,

To rejoice when people win,

Celebrate the victory,

With all our Father’s kin.


Sometimes things can get selfish,

We cry with those who cry,

It makes us feel we’re needed,

But when they’re blessed and high,


We wonder when it’s our turn,

And why it’s them, not us,

It’s what the Book calls envy,

And fighting it’s a must.


Be thankful when your shoulder,

Is something God will use,

But learn to be excited,


To rejoice is what we choose.


God above is sovereign,

Your seasons He will lead,

And the Holy Spirit’s power,

Will give us all we need.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2, NIV)

Part of the calling of every disciple of Jesus is that we help each other with our burdens. And life can get heavy, can’t it? This means that we must be unselfish enough and sensitive enough to be there when people need us. We live in a culture in which individuals are becoming more and more isolated, while at the same time addicted to the social platforms and entertainment offered by technology. When life happens they often have no one who can help. This is why there is such an alarming rise in suicide, especially among young people. In the new year let us declutter our lives and make space so that we can help when the time comes.

Lord, teach us to help, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain