"Puncher's Prayer"


No preacher there to say a prayer,

A-horseback hats in hand,

The widow Jones, she weeps alone,

A grievin’ for her man.


That derned old mare, they warned beware,

She was bad to kick,

His cack he threw, and never knew,

His poor head took a lick.


And that was that, our horses sat,

And tried to say good-bye,

A circle there, hill wind-swept bare,

Just listening to her cry.


Then she said, so wrong he’s dead,

But someone has to pray,

It must be done, ‘fore setting sun,

Or I won’t leave today.


Surprised when Bill, told her I will,

And then with gravelly voice,

Called out to God, from broken sod,

Guess thought he had no choice.


But that old boy, from tears to joy,

Prayed for us left behind,

And when he’s through, no doubt we knew,

That God’s peace we would find.


Years have passed, it seems so fast,

Since old Bill prayed that prayer,

More have died, more tears we’ve cried,

We cast on God our care.


And when I go, they lay me low,

I just have one request,

Let old Bill pray, just like that day,

‘Cause a puncher’s prayer is best.

“…casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7, NAS)

What are you anxious about? What has you broken-hearted or worried? What is your greatest stress? There is nothing that we feel or are going through that surprises God. He knows us best and loves us the most. Casting our anxiety on Him means we literally give Him our burdens and ask for His relief. We can trust Him to help us and give us peace.

Lord, help us cast our cares on You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Kenneth Wyatt, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless.

Brad McClain