Pushin’ that old grocery cart,
Ran into town to do my part,
Price of meat ‘bout broke my heart,
No steak for us today.
I thought of ranchers far and near,
Struggling to get through the year,
Trying hard to fight the fear,
That they won’t in business stay.
So steak has gotten so dern high,
Along with gas I cannot buy,
A simple cowboy can’t know why,
We’ve fallen on hard times.
And when I see the nightly news,
All I hear brings on the blues,
Don’t see many who have clues,
To help us upward climb.
I’ll saddle up as I always do,
Disconnect to something true,
Clear my mind and go back to,
The One who is the way.
Bottom line to Him I go,
‘Cause He alone the truth can show,
I listen so that I can know,
What I should do and say.
Prices high but don’t scare me,
My life is in His hands, you see,
I’ll vote and work and pray to be,
Someone He can bless.
And in the end what we receive,
Depends on what truth we believe,
And if we say, they can’t deceive,
We’ll come through this test.
God’s highest and His best.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:33-34, NLT)
This is ancient wisdom from Jesus, and given in the context of how to overcome worry. The bottom line is that God can be trusted to supply our needs and take care of what is beyond our control. But we position ourselves to receive His blessing and escape our fear by proactively seeking His Kingdom above all else. What does this mean? It means that surrendering control to His Kingship become our highest priority. When we recognize and embrace His rule, the needs of today and the future are in His hands.
Lord, help us seek Your Kingdom above all else, in Jesus’ name.