Great questions of philosophy,
How they define reality,
Expounding questions constantly,
To work out life’s philosophy.
Like do you think that I look fat?
She shouldn’t ask him, think of that,
He had to move from where he sat,
Think, don’t say, she looked too fat.
Or do you think that horse will buck?
Sometimes it seems we’re out of luck,
He might go snorty, pitch and duck,
Whoop and spur, that horse will buck.
And do you think that bull will fight?
Last time out here I thought he might,
Best not to let him out of sight,
Get out the way, that bull will fight.
Do you think that truck will crank?
Only if you fill the tank,
Last time we did our feelings sank,
Pump and cry, that truck will crank.
Do you think that dog will hunt?
Of all the litter he’s the runt,
But when he points it is no stunt,
That little dog can really hunt.
Life’s questions come, we wonder why,
So much occurs, we laugh and cry,
We might get blue but still we try,
And we keep on, though wonder why.
And finally the best of all,
Ask it now, then good-bye, y’all,
The bottom line of life’s long haul,
The last we saved, the best of all.
Do you think we’ll be okay,
I often hear the people say,
In Jesus God has made a way,
And in His hands we’ll be okay.
“Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ…” (Colossians 2:8, NLT)
This little poem is a “tongue-in-cheek” poke at philosophical questions that can ultimately lead people into the weeds and away from what really matters. Not one thing wrong with honest questions, mind you. But in the end, we live by the personal revelation of Jesus Christ. He is the truth we live by, and measure all else by who He is, what He said, and what He has done in our lives. Jesus is Lord of my questions, and some of them are unanswered. But that’s okay because faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Don’t let the world’s confusion get to you. Focus on what you know but, most importantly, who you know.
Lord, we give all our questions to You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, clarkkelleyprice.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.