"Real Men"


Many in this culture,

Fear a man who is a man,

They’re threatened if he’s masculine,

And just don’t understand.


That if a man is feminined,

His identity is lost,

And with it all his strength to lead,

And we pay an awful cost.


Men who will not stand by,

Confused ‘bout right and wrong,

And fearful they’ll offend someone,

Don’t know where they belong.


Men who love their families,

Who work and sweat and pray,

Those who always keep their word,

And humbly show the way.


Men who know to cowboy up,

To make the devil run,

Loves his God and country,

And, yes, he owns a gun.


I pray his tribe is growing,

And with him I will stand,

And though this world may not agree,

Real men can help this land.

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything with love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14, NIV0

Courageous men are needed. For what? Everything that matters. Marriages need husbands who will love their wives the way Jesus loves them. Children need dads and grand-dads who will be role models who give them the right mixture of affirmation and discipline. Every human endeavor needs men who will walk with integrity and keep their word- in the arts, business, sports, entertainment, education, politics and everything else. These are men who will sacrifice themselves to save others, and whose loyalty is above reproach. We have some. We need more.

Lord, give us courage and give us courageous men, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain