"I Saw the Light"

Went to old Hank’s grave today,

As so many fans have done,

And on the marker read the words,

That he long ago had sung.


I saw the light was etched in stone,

For all to read and see,

As as I felt the cold wind blow,

The Good Lord spoke to me.


Back in fifty-three’s first day,

Hank left from this old earth,

He was only twenty-nine,

Two months since my own birth.


But the soundtrack of my life,

His songs were what I heard,

Somehow I thought that we were kin,

‘Cause right there in God’s word,


You find the phrase the sons of light,

And that light shined on me,

It was the light that old Hank saw,

And so many others see.


I wish I could have known him,

And the Driftin’ Cowboy band,

I’m sure we would have got along,

From when I shook his hand.


But time will come when I will go,

And join those gone before,

Till then I’ll say I saw the light,

Till my days are no more.

“You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness…” (1 Thessalonians 5:5 (NIV)

God’s light drives out the devil’s darkness. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. We have been rescued from the Kingdom of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of light. We are sons of light because we are spiritually born into the light. Jesus called Himself the light of the world and then called His disciples the light of the world. Why? Because they were filled with His light. Seeing the light, embracing the light and becoming sons of light are all parts of what it means to follow the Lord.

Lord, fill us with Your light, in Jesus’ name.

Personal photo.

Brad McClain