
I’ve been disappointed,

Been a disappointment, too,

Life’s not all we hoped for,

Adjustments needed, too.

And if we’re always holding,

Onto our entitlement,

Think we are not getting,

What we think should be sent.

We soon get old and bitter,

The resentments don’t recede,

But those old roots run deeper,

When they are what we feed.

We wind up with reactions,

That come from our old pain,

The grace that should have healed us,

We reject and disdain.

People come to help us,

God sends encouragement,

They speak the truth in love to us,

‘Cause that is why they’re sent.

It’s like drinking poison,

Expect them to die, you know,

Forgive as you’re forgiven,

And let that old hurt go,

And we’re not hurting others,

When we think they should pay,

But only self-destroying,

Day after weary day.

So what’s it going to be, my friend,

Will you receive His grace,

And lay aside the heavy weight,

That’s slowing down your race?

Life is quickly passing,

Don’t know what we have left,

And you don’t want to lose it,

To the devil’s theft.

But we’re sleeping with the enemy,

When we hold onto rage,

So take your cue from Jesus,

And that old Bible page,

Forgive as you’re forgiven,

As freely let it go,

Grace for your disappointment,

And great relief you’ll know.

“Forgive as the Lord forgave you…” (Colossians 3:13, NIV)

Perhaps one of the greatest challenges we face as human beings and as followers of Jesus Christ is to forgive others as freely as we’ve been forgiven. This is only possible when we let go of our hurts, anger, bitterness, and resentment, as well as the people and circumstances involved with them. God gives grace for this, but we must be humble enough to receive it. It’s all about a righteous choice, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we need help to talk it out and cope with our pain. Sometimes professional Christian counseling is needed. And in most cases, time is necessary. But the bottom line is that our injuries and disappointments will continue to damage us unless we intentionally put them aside. Otherwise we are doomed to relive our history, and all too often, inflict on others the very injuries from which we suffer. The saddest situation is when we react negatively to those who need our love because we misspend our emotional energy on those who disappointed us in the past. The weight can be lifted and our emotions can heal. By His stripes…

Lord, we ask You to heal our injuries and help us to forgive all those who have injured us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Brad McClain