"Talk to Jesus"

Why don’t you talk to Jesus,

That’s what the cowboy said,

I felt real embarrassed,

And in the face turned red.

Why don’t you mind your business,

I let my anger fly,

I later would regret it,

He looked me in the eye,

And said, okay, I’ll do it,

But I’m sayin’ prayers for you,

I’d had a long night drinkin’,

And now cow work to do.

I was feelin’ bad hung over,

With a painful, splittin’ head,

I thought this is just crazy,

As I slid out of bed.

With bacon and a biscuit,

And a lot of coffee, too,

I felt a bit more human,

As we saddled up, it’s true.

And later in the mornin’,

I rode up to my friend,

Made a nice apology,

At least I thought back then.

But he said it didn’t matter,

What he thought anyway,

But still held to his promise,

That he was going to pray,

That I could get some answers,

For the things that gave me pain,

And find some inner healin’,

God’s peace would be my gain.

It was just a few days later,

That my friend, he had a fall,

His horse went off a cut-bank,

That he never saw at-all.

And now as he lay dying,

He took my hand in his,

And said words I remember,

And let me tell you this,

He said he could see heaven,

And Jesus on His throne,

And gathered all the cowboys,

Already there and home.

And he told me he was going,

That he’d make one final prayer,

That I would find the Savior,

And one day see him there.

And now I am an old man,

My riding days are through,

But a cowboy long in heaven,

Showed me what to do.

His prayer is the reason,

I write this now for you,

I gave my life to Jesus,

And soon I’ll see Him, too.

Why don’t you talk to Jesus,

He’ll heal your inner pain,

He will lift your burden,

Eternal life, your gain.

“For in Him we live and move and have our being…” (Acts 17:28, NIV)

For those who exclude or ignore the existence of God in their lives, God seems distant if they believe in Him at all. Others acknowledge He is there in heaven somewhere, but actively rebel against Him. But Luke quotes Paul as saying that God is near to us and because He is our Creator, we are His offspring. He is closer than the air we breathe and we do nothing apart from Him. He is only a prayer away, and if we turn to Him with sincerity, He will meet us right where we are in order to take us to where we need to be. Think of it. We are invited to know our Creator and have an intimate, saving relationship with Him through the grace of His Son, Jesus Christ. No one is excluded from the offer, and no one is turned away. In fact all who call on His name are saved. If you haven’t already, it’s the best thing you can do. If you’ve already surrendered to Him and know Him, the best thing is to pray for someone to know Him, too.

Lord, help us show, share and pray others to You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain