"Ride So Hard"

Ride so hard, though years have scarred,

But horseback still he goes,

It’s in his heart, that cowboy part,

He’s sure, it’s what he knows.


And cattle work, he’ll never shirk,

The cows he understands,

Where they should be, the gift to see,

He’s just one of those hands.


The years he’s spent, long gone they went,

But like a well-worn rope,

It’s all inside, a rising tide,

Comes through to give him hope,


That he’ll still be, useful you see,

When gather time comes round,

He’ll get the call, to come help y’all,

He loves to hear that sound.


The time will come, but not yet, son,

When he won’t get that call,

But until then he will hang in,

Give every day his all.


His only prayer, when he gets there,

To ride his final ride,

The Lord above, with all His love,

Calls home to heaven’s side.


And young again, he will begin,

Eternity so bright,

Forever ride by Jesus’ side,

Forever in the light.

“I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13, NLT)

John writes so that believers in Jesus can know that they have eternal life. It’s something we can know with certainty. it should not be a “hope so,” “wish so,” “think so,” “trying to be” sort of thing. It’s something that the Lord wants us to know. The assurance is based upon His promise and His Spirit. The promise is God’s word to us, and He can never lie. The Spirit is God’s presence with and in us, and communicates to us the certainty we need about eternal life. No matter what the ride of life brings to us, death becomes the doorway into a certain eternity. Praise the Lord!

Lord, make us sure of eternal life, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Mary Peters, photographybymarypeters.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mary, and God bless you.

Brad McClain