

Close the door where the devil knocks,

And never fear a thing,

Build your defense upon the rock,

You’re a child of Christ the King.


And in His name, stand up and fight,

Against the unseen foe,

Resist him and walk in the light,

And you can make him go.


Wearing all God’s armor,

God’s Spirit gives you grace,

And with holy ardor,

Never lose your place.


‘Cause we are not his victims,

We’re blood-bought by the Lamb,

And we can contradict him,

We serve the great I Am.


The Ruler of the universe,

Creator of the earth,

Heaven’s praise we now rehearse,

He came by virgin birth.


To break the devil’s power,

And crush the serpent’s head,

And in the final hour,

Do what God’s Word has said.


So don’t you be discouraged,

Or ever lose your nerve,

Stand up with Jesus’ courage,

‘Cause He’s the One we serve.

“…Resist the devil and he will flee from you…” (James 4:7, NLT)

Some people blame everything on the devil. This is not an accurate, biblically-balanced view. It is clear that though the devil may applaud every bad thing that happens, we should not over-credit him. We live in a fallen world which has not yet been relieved of the curse. All the created order groans under its burden. That said, sometimes it’s obvious that the devil is at work and we are called into spiritual battle. Perhaps the most powerful promise in our arsenal is this one. Resist the devil and he will run. This is true, but it’s not based upon any authority other than what Jesus has delegated to us. Humble yourself, then resist. There is a direct connection. Why? Because by humbling ourselves we submit to the Lord’s authority. The more we stand under it, the more we can exercise it. Make the devil run, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, help us put the enemy on the run, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Martin Grelle, used by permission. Thanks, Martin, and God bless you.

Brad McClain