
 I’ve known lots of people,

Who were right as right can be,

But how they acted when so right,

Was very wrong, you see.


Not sayin’ they aren’t Christian,

‘Cause no doubt they believe,

All the truth the Bible says,

Confess and they receive.


But now that they’ve received it,

They forgot how lost they were,

And the people who are lost out there,

They ultimately deter.


By being too judgmental,

And on such a crusade,

Against the things we know are wrong,

Their mind is so far made.


That they spend their time a-fussin’,

‘Bout what the country’s lost,

And no doubt about it,

Our morals we have tossed.


But instead of lighting up the world,

They curse this old world’s dark,

And if someone shows interest,

They can’t help them embark.


‘Cause they’re too busy churchin’,

Religion is their thing,

While drowning folks go under,

Just want someone to.bring,


Some hope and love and laughter,

And show them there’s a way,

Back home to God their Savior,

At least that’s what they say.


So if you’re right be careful,

‘Cause when you are most right,

You might forget that God is love,

Get caught up in a fight.


Speak the truth the Bible says,

And always speak with love,

That’s the only thing that works,

With God’s power from above.


Become all things to everyone,

You really might win some,

Befriend the lost like Jesus,

Go find the wandering one.


And then you’ll find the wisdom,

‘Cause winning souls is wise,

And you can do it all for Him,

Without some compromise.


The Spirit makes us normal,

As God defines the norm,

And you’ll be filled with power,

And not some godly form.


Lord, help us know when we are right,

We can fall back into pride,

Help us humbly walk with You,

Let the Spirit lead our ride.

“Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home on his shoulders. When he arrives, he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep…’” (Luke 15:3-6, NLT)

Jesus told this parable when the Pharisees and teachers of the Law criticized Him for associating with sinful people and even eating with them. He explained that everyone matters to God, and if even one wanders away, the Shepherd of our souls will go on a search and rescue mission to bring us home. When safe and sound the party begins. After telling them about the lost sheep, He added the story of a lost coin and a lost son. The point was that if one’s religious pride robs them of compassion they are missing the point altogether. They may have a form of godliness, but deny its power. Let us be about the business of searching for the lost instead of judging them.

Lord, help us never lose sight of Your mercy, in Jesus’ name.

Art by R.S. Riddick, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless you.

Brad McClain