"Right and Wrong"

I try to understand it,

I really do, I try,

But, honest, for the life of me,

I have to wonder why,


People in this country,

Can think that it’s okay,

To disregard what’s right and wrong,

And you will hear them say,


What you believe Is right for you,

And what you think is true,

May not be for everyone,

So don’t tell me what to do.


But, see if there’s no absolute,

No solid, standard rule,

Then what you feel about it,

Can end up in a duel,


With your conscience and upbringing,

And someone else’s thought,

And it becomes a slippery slope,

To do the things you ought.


I guess what I am saying,

If the Bible says it’s wrong,

I’m not about to argue,

Or go along to get along.


Things like stop your lyin’,

And stop your stealin’, too,

Don’t commit adultery,

Or justify it, if you do.


Love and worship God above,

Don’t serve some idol, false,

Don’t covet what your neighbor has,

Don’t dance that greedy waltz.


Keep the Lord’s day holy,

Don’t use His name in vain,

Make sure you love the Lord your God,

And your neighbor just the same.

Honor your Mom and Papa,

So your days are long,

Happy as you walk this earth,

And value them so strong.


Stay off that Brokeback Mountain,

You know that stuff’s profane,

Still love the ones who disagree,

With the Bible and John Wayne.


Celebrate God’s righteousness,

‘Cause the party of His grace,

Is here to forgive every sin,

And help us run this race.


Be holy ‘cause He’s holy,

And if He says it’s wrong,

Don’t call it by another name,

Or sing the world’s sad song.


The Bible says ‘fore Jesus comes,

Things get dark as night,

But those who recognize the Lord,

Wear armor made of light.


To stand strong in the battle,

And make the devil run,

‘Cause in the name of Jesus,

The war’s already won.

“So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living…” (Romans 13:12, NLT)

God has called us to change. In our politically correct world, the notion that God has absolute standards of right and wrong are anathema. But if you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything. And people are falling for the most nonsensical, irrational denials of morality and common decency in unprecedented numbers. All the more reason for God’s people to live righteously, by the grace of God. This doesn’t mean we judge others or become the “morality police.” We are holy because He helps us change, and we are most definitely not “holier than thou” in our attitudes. We simply live in and for the light, and let God’s light shine through us. When we do, His righteousness brings peace and advertises it to others.

Lord, help us to live in and for the light, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Kenneth Wyatt, used by permission. Thanks, Kenneth, and God bless you.

Brad McClain