
If you begin it, then stay in it,

Stay strong until the end,

‘Cause a quitter, becomes bitter,

‘Bout what he has had to spend.


And a user, who’s a loser,

Poses strong, but he’s pretend,

Just a poser, not a closer,

Will not pay the price to win.


When you pick ‘em, don’t just sick ‘em,

On the mission that you see,

But first test ‘em, and address ‘em,

‘Bout results you hope to see.


And the best ones, from the rest ones,

Will rise like heavy cream,

To the top, see, that’s where they’ll be,

And follow the best dream.


If a top hand, there with you stands,

Give the Good Lord praise,

‘Cause it’s better, a go-getter,

Than the dead you have to raise.


Make a mission, fresh edition,

Of the team I have assigned,

Then go get it, don’t forget it,

It’s the plan I have designed.

“Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus…” (2 Timothy 2:2-3, NLT)

Here is the God-given pattern for extending the influence of Jesus Christ and making disciples for Him. Jesus spoke to the crowds, but discipled twelve, fully expecting them to pass it on. Paul told Timothy to assemble faithful men who would be able to mentor others. The mission was to be done intentionally and relationally, with hand-picked people who were willing to pay the price and suffer whatever persecution they encountered. The same is true today. We are mistaken if we believe every who claims belief moves on into a life of spiritual productivity. Many who believe the right things never grow, and it’s because they are unwilling, for whatever reason, to commit themselves to relationships of support and accountability. Love everyone, but go with those God gives you who are ready to commit. The others may come, but don’t wait for them.

Lord, help us find reliable people who will reproduce godliness in others, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, and God bless.

Brad McClain