
The peace blows from the river,

And gently calls my name,

As I quietly ride the river,

Whispers through the trees and cane.

And I love to ride and ponder,

‘Long the Brazos’ curves and turns,

Just take my time and wander,

As my heart within me yearns,

For the river of the Spirit,

To comfort and flow free,

And I can almost hear it,

Know He riding beside me.

Sometimes I feel His power,

His great presence in my soul,

Sometimes a gentle shower,

As the trail winds and unfolds.

And I think my old pony,

Can sometimes feel it, too,

His hoofbeats on the stony,

Make a rhythm with what’s true.

It’s why I love to ride the river,

And go there when I can,

Our God is such a giver,

And His presence fills the land.

I’m drawn there to the waters,

And the peace that’s on the wind,

For every son and daughter,

Time and time again.

“Anyone who believes in Me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” (John 7:38, NLT).

Jesus compared the Holy Spirit to “rivers of living water” flowing from a believer’s heart. This living water would do two things according to Jesus. It would quench one’s spiritual thirst. And it would overflow and impact others, making them aware that their thirst can be satisfied, too. It was the age-old principle of. being blessed to be a blessing, which is always the case without exception. Every grace, every gift, every kindness, every empowerment God gives us is meant, not just for us, but for others with whom we share. Such is what happened to the Samaritan woman when Jesus offered the living water to her. Her entire village was impacted when she introduced them to Jesus. Later, the disciples on the day of Pentecost would receive the same power, and become bold witnesses who turned their entire world upside down. The same will happen whenever any believer receives the river. Run, river, run.

Lord, let the rivers of living water flow through us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain