You know I love the rodeo,
Where cowboys rope and ride,
It’s just a favorite thing to see,
And in you I’ll confide,
From as a little kid I went,
I never was the same,
Just something about it,
My favorite horseback game.
I’ve seen the Cowtown rodeo,
We’ve been to San Antone,
Cheyenne’s Daddy of ‘em all,
Best time we’ve ever known.
Amarillo’s working cowboys,
And Weatherford has two,
Been out to old San Angelo,
The American, it’s true.
And, yes, been to the NFR,
In Vegas and Ft. Worth,
I’d rather be in Texas,
My thought for what it’s worth.
Started at the SLE,
Back home in Alabam,
Try to be there every March,
To be there with my fam.
And only at the rodeo,
They pray in Jesus’ name,
Stand up for Old Glory,
Make you glad you came.
For them it’s God and country,
And family-friendly, too,
The best of all that used to be,
The cowboy way, it’s true.
So gather up the kiddos,
And grab your cowboy hat,
The rodeo’s this weekend,
Don’t you dare miss that!
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” (Phillipians 4:8, NIV)
it’s great to be able to focus on something that is positive. That’s why we love the whole rodeo thing so much. It’s not perfect, because human beings are involved. But there are very few sports events that celebrate God and country any stronger. Family values and the cowboy code of hard work and keeping your word are intact. These qualities are rare in today’s world, and something to appreciate and celebrate. We who follow Jesus should promote what we believe is praiseworthy.
Lord, help us focus on whatever is true and noble, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Steve Wrubel, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.