"Rodeo Prayer"
When that last bronc is ridden,
And they unwrap the ropin’ steers,
When they’re standin’ out behind the chutes,
And chuggin’ down their beers,
When the clown has wiped his makeup off,
And the bulls are calmed and fed,
The fans are headed down the road,
Horses to the trailers led.
When the buckle bunnies wander off,
And the pickup men unsaddle,
And the drivers crank and pull away,
All loaded up with cattle,
And they turn off all the pen’s bright lights,
And close the final gate,
There’s one or two old cowboys,
Left behind, they wait.
Quietly one or two will gather,
In a corner pen somewhere,
And though no one can see them,
They call on Jesus there.
They thank Him for the safety,
Of those who roped and rode,
The protection of the livestock,
And all the grace He showed.
They pray for all the people,
Who showed and paid to watch,
And all the buckle winners,
Who proved they were top-notch.
They ask for traveling mercies,
They pray for families dear,
They pray for that next rodeo,
Thank God that He is near.
Then they request the Good Lord,
To bless the cowboy way,
And pray the Lord will use it,
To touch new souls each day.
And then those two old cowboys,
Will put their hats back on,
Knowing that they did their part,
Before they move along.
Where two or three are gathered,
The Lord says He will be,
That promise is for cowboys,
And all of us, you see.
God bless the sport of rodeo,
God bless the USA,
And, Lord, please bless the cowboys,
Who rope and ride today.
“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” (Matthew 18:20, NAS)
We believe the Lord is everywhere, right? He is eternally and uniquely in the dimension we call heaven. But His Spirit is omnipresent and always with us. He comes to live within us when we accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. All this we believe and celebrate. But we also have the promise that when two or three gather in Jesus’ name, he will manifest His presence in special ways. There is something special and important when two or three are joined spiritually. Some even think this might be the basic cell of the body of Christ. In any case, the power of two or three under Jesus’ lordship can be very ijmpactful and miraculous.
Lord, help us to connect with two or three regularly, in Jesus name.
Photo by Steve Wrubel, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.