"Saddle Up and Ride"

When the weather’s not what you expect,

And life seems like it’s going to wreck,

You’re tempted to just end your trek,

Just saddle up and ride,

God is by your side.

When the people that you counted on,

Let you down, not pro but con,

Took your hope, love overdrawn,

Just saddle up and ride,

God is by your side.

When pay is short and bills are long,

And life feels like it’s piling on,

And you wonder where it all went wrong,

Just saddle up and ride,

God is by your side.

When time is short and death seems near,

And you wonder if what you hold dear,

Will be enough to dry your tear,

Just saddle up and ride,

God still is by your side.

“If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” (Rom. 8:31, NLT)

It’s a rhetorical question. It doesn’t mean no one will ever be against us. In fact the opposite is true. We cannot live for God without opposition. Paul wrote that the godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, and that we war against spiritual evil in high places. Jesus warned that even families will be divided by those who oppose loyalty to the Kingdom of God, and that sometimes it’s more sword than peace. That said, God is bigger than all comers. If He is for us, and He is, we are spiritually unstoppable. Suffer? Yes. Die? Could happen. But we cannot be stopped. God is for us, and Jesus is building a Church that hell cannot overwhelm. He’s not on our side. We, fortunately and thankfully, are on His. Ride on.

Lord, help us remember that You are for us, and that gives us victory, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Cody Witham, codywitham.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Cody, and God bless you.

Art by Cody Witham, codywitham.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Cody, and God bless you.

Brad McClain