"Secret Place"
There’s a secret place some know about,
The Good Book calls it so,
Some, they travel in and out,
Others do not know.
But some, the Bible says a few,
Live in that secret place,
Though it’s hidden in plain view,
In the shadow of God’s face.
You see no matter where they are,
His closeness keeps them strong,
Whether traveling near or far,
It’s right where they belong.
They hear the Spirit clearly,
They hunger for His will,
They love the Savior dearly,
Their selfishness they kill.
It’s a place of peace and quiet,
Of refuge from life’s storm,
The world’s old noisy riot,
Cannot disrupt their norm.
It’s been called a shelter,
And that’s just what it is,
Balance when off kelter,
Because you know you’re His.
The secret place, abiding there,
Like branches on the vine,
Producing then, no matter where,
The fruit God says is fine.
There’s a secret place some know about,
The Good Book calls it so,
So much more, so come on out,
And to that place let’s go.
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress…” (Psalm 91:1-2, NIV)
The psalmist speaks of a place where he lives that shelters and protects him. Interestingly, this “place” of which he speaks is not a geographical place as we understand it. Rather, he is speaking of a person, God Himself. He talks about living there, in that relationship of closeness, where he depends upon the Lord to sustain him. Many, if not most of us who know the Lord can testify that we have experienced this at one time or another in our lives. But the possibility of a constant “abiding” there is where we really want to be. It’s what Jesus described as abiding in the vine (John 15), which because of the unbroken connection, would inevitably produce eternal fruit. And this is what we are called and ordained as followers of Jesus to do: produce much fruit that would remain or be permanent. The benefit and blessing of living in the “shelter of the Most High” are immeasurable.
Lord, teach us how to find and live in the secret place of Your presence, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by J.L. Grief, used by permission. Thanks, J.L, and God bless you.