
Down through the reach, my Dad tried to teach,

How to track down and spot an old cow,

Sometimes so hid, of men to be rid,

But he said we’ll find her somehow.


The pastures we’d ride, to the places they’d hide,

He said, look I can see her right there,

He’d point and I’d look, like a page from a book,

In a thick place he’d find her, I swear.


I would’ve rode by, with my untrained eye,

And missed what was hid in the brush,

My old Daddy could see, and he tried to help me,

To bugger her out in a rush.


The decades have passed and life has moved fast,

And God is still working with me,

So I do not miss, when He says here’s this,

And opens my eyes so I see.


It was Jesus who said, with the people He led,

Hear if you have ears to hear,

To hear, see and do, is what I’m telling you,

Is something He made very clear.


To see, really see, means we learn to be,

Attentive to what He provides,

Ask, seek and knock, yes, turn to the Rock,

And go right where His Spirit guides.

It’s possible to be looking right at something and not see it, right? It happens often when I’m looking for the peanut butter. But when it comes to being able to recognize what God is saying and doing in our lives it’s very serious. We can become spiritually dull and miss His highest and best. Paul prayed for the Ephesian church to have the eyes of their hearts enlightened. Then they would recognize the greatness of their spiritual inheritance and the incomparably great power given to believers. It’s not something we should miss, and should pray that God enlightens us.

Lord, open the eyes of our hearts, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Teal Blake, used by permission. Thanks, Teal, and God bless you.

Brad McClain