There’s a reason I am smiling,
And not overwhelmed by sad,
It’s not that life is perfect,
Though strong blessings I have had.
It’s simply grace is deeper,
Than the valleys I’ve been through,
And what I thought would kill me,
Made me better, and it’s true,
That the promise that He’s given,
Uses all things for our good,
It’s amazing ‘cause our troubles,
Did what nothing ever could.
Those hard times and those painful,
Whether our fault or was not,
Will build what can’t be stolen,
Help us do just what we ought.
I couldn’t always see it,
When it was happening to me,
But I can look back on it,
There was God’s own hand, you see.
The train wrecks and the pitfalls,
And life’s disappointments, too,
Despair and old depression,
But God said, “I’m not through.”
I will use it for My glory,
I’ll refine you in My fire,
I will prune and I will bless you,
And fill you with desire,
To go and keep on going,
Till the race on earth is done,
Every battle then is over,
And in Jesus’ name we’ve won.
So you see I am still smiling,
You can bet the joy’s for real,
Deeper even than emotion,
But the Spirit’s power feel.
And I know the grace won’t fail me,
That’s my testimony sure,
Every day with every battle,
By the Spirit’s power endure.
“…you rejoice with with a glorious, inexpressible joy…” (1 Peter 1:8, NLT)
God promised that He would work in all things for His glory and our good. We pass through trials, and when we do, we are able to experience great joy. This joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and simply means, “consistent gladness of heart.” In spite of heartbreak and all the rest, God grants us joy. And this in spite of anything the devil or this old world throws at us. We know that His grace helps us, and is ours to claim no matter the circumstance. And even under the old covenant they realized that the joy of the Lord was their strength. There will always be enough to be sad or mad about. Let us rejoice anyway.
Lord, fill our hearts with inexpressible joy, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mikel Donahue, mikeldonahue.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mikel, and God bless you.