

Right there, can you see it?

That’s what the cowboy asked,

He was pointing to a rattler,

One we were riding past.


And just seemed like the harder,

I tried to see that snake,

The less that I could see him,

I did a double take.


‘Cause I knew this old cowboy,

Would sometimes make a joke,

I thought he might be kidding,

When ‘bout the snake he spoke.


But then I heard the rattle,

Just a little movement there,

And then, of course, I saw him,

Though camouflaged with care.


And though this scene it happened,

A long, long time ago,

I never have forgotten,

And here’s why, don’t you know,


I’ve sometimes had some trouble,

With something I should see,

Especially when danger,

And if it threatened me.


I have not always seen it,

Though clearly pointed out,

I’ve needed grace to recognize,

When some old snake’s about.


So, Lord, I ask Your help now,

Humble myself to You,

Help me resist the devil,

And protect my whole crew.


You said if I resist him,

I can make him run,

In the name of Jesus,

By the Spirit of the Son.


Open my eyes to danger,

Even if it’s hid,

Just like when that old cowboy,

Pointed when he did.


Save us from the poison,

Of this world’s fan and fare,

And give us your discernment,

To see when it is there.

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil…” (1 Peter 5:8, NLT)

There is a spiritual battle and falling asleep at the wheel is not an option. Yet, most of us operate as if the devil does not exist. I know, sometimes people blame everything on the devil, which is equally ridiculous. But, truth is, we are called to be aware of the devil and his strategies. We are called to recognize and resist him, and are told we can put him on the run. But all of it hinges on our own humility and willingness to submit to God. If we’ll do both those things, the devil cannot stop us. It’s good to remember.

Lord, help us be alert and resist the devil, in Jesus’ name.

Photo of our good friend, Jeff Gore.  Used by permission.  Jeff is a true spiritual warrior.  Thanks, Jeff, and God bless you.

Photo of our good friend, Jeff Gore. Used by permission. Jeff is a true spiritual warrior. Thanks, Jeff, and God bless you.

Brad McClain