
I heard it when they said it,

But it’s like I couldn’t hear,

Their words that all came spilling out,

It filled me with a fear,

That everything was changing,

Just spinning, no control,

I had no way of knowing,

If all I had been told,

Was really what the truth was,

Or if exaggeration,

Hoping that God’s mercy,

Would rise and fill our nation.

The year was two thousand and oh one,

Over twenty years ago,

Sometimes it feels like yesterday,

And other times not so.

And we all know what happened,

On that September day,

Thousands died in that attack,

And all I have to say,

Is for a shining moment,

The churches were all filled,

People mourned and prayed to God,

Because those folks were killed.

Then we got back to normal,

It didn’t take too long,

The rubble was all cleared away,

We tried to right the wrong.

Be sending soldiers overseas,

To punish that attack,

Sadly many lost their lives,

And never made it back.

Years passed, and our children,

And grandchildren, too,

Did not feel the grief and pain,

Of all we knew was true.

Politics and presidents,

And issues always change,

And now the years have brought us,

Full circle to the strange,

Idea that Old Glory,

Does not deserve respect,

In protest people do not stand,

And look like they expect,

The rest of us to empathize,

And take up their cause,

But I guess I never will,

Their method gives me pause.

’Cause I can see Old Glory,

Waving proudly on the wind,

In ’01 at Ground Zero,

From a fire truck and then,

I see a wealthy athlete,

And think, who is this guy,

Who really thinks it’s no big thing,

To kneel when that flag flies.

And I’m against injustice,

And hate racism, too,

Know we’re free to speak our minds,

And do what we can do,

To love and help each other,

To stand up for what’s right,

Guess I just have a problem,

When that scene comes in sight.

And what about compassion,

You might ask of me,

And I would have to answer,

We need more, don’t you see.

And what about the problems,

When some don’t get a chance,

And I can tell you truly,

I hate that song and dance.

And I know if the least of these,

Need help and we don’t try,

Jesus says we miss the chance,

To help relieve His cry.

But still the flag means something,

So good and right and free,

When someone won’t respect it,

It has affect on me.

Take some of that money,

That you’re so highly paid,

And give it to somebody,

And God will know you gave.

And when you see Old Glory,

Get up to your feet,

Put your hand upon your heart,

With all of us repeat,

That we will show allegiance,

To the red, white and blue,

In view of those who gave themselves,

It’s the right thing to do.

“…Then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will restore their land…” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NLT)

God made an ancient promise to Solomon on the occasion of completing the construction of the Temple. It was that God could heal and restore the nation if His people turned to Him and away from their sin. Could this promise still be in effect? God has blessed the United States of America in unprecedented ways. The body of Christ is strong here, but antichrist spirits and agendas threaten our freedoms and blessing. Could God heal America if believers turned to Him and away from sin? Most believe so. I am one who agrees. What happened after 9/11 was an amazing time of spiritual renewal. It can and should happen again. On this day, twenty years later, we still mourn the death of those who lost their lives. We honor the freedoms that God has granted America. And we call on Him to heal our land, starting with us.

Lord, heal our land, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain