"Better Way"

If we can find a better way,

To talk and work things out,

We can find more unity,

And get along, no doubt.

Not allow skin color,

Or any outward thing,

To make us feel suspicious,

Or slow the love we bring.

Learn to give more mercy,

And grace along the way,

Do the same for others,

That we expect each day.

Speak the truth, be honest,

But share with charity,

Don’t allow our differences,

To feed the cruelty.

Kindness, yes, and patience,

And good manners, too,

Can really go a long way,

In shaping what we do.

Remember that when angry,

Our best does not come out,

But serving with humility,

Can bring healing about.

Forgive and keep forgiving,

And keep no track of wrong,

Give the grace that you’ve received,

And harmonize your song.

And don’t think that it’s weakness,

If with sensitivity,

You embrace those different,

And this life’s diversity,

The beauty of God’s making,

Is that we’re not alike,

Even have our fingerprints,

All special in His sight.

Learn to see each person,

The way the Good Lord sees,

Can’t devalue anyone,

Or judge them by degrees.

And love is still the answer,

And true that God is love,

So get some heaven going,

From our Father up above.

“But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love…” (1 John 4:8, NLT)

Love is the answer, but not any old love. It’s divine love that heals us and empowers us to love others. Everything else may talk big, but will always fall short of what is really needed. Only God’s love can forgive completely and liberate from the addictions that keep us down. God’s love alone makes us fit for heaven and for earth. And ultimately God’s love is the solution for broken human relationships. If we get the vertical right first, we then can get the horizontal right, too. But not until. It all revolves around God’s love for us, delivered through Jesus Christ, and the personally imparted by the Holy Spirit. What the world needs now…

Lord, help us allow Your love to flow through us to others, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain