
I never thought I’d live to see,

Confusion run so rampantly,

And throw away what used to be,

The good that made us strong.


For as a great man once has said,

Though he’s passed and now is dead,

Our country’s greatness always fed,

On knowing right from wrong.


The moral compass we have lost,

And with it family values tossed,

Politically correct is boss,

Offense, the greatest sin.


But tolerate and then promote,

The most egregious gets our vote,

Call darkness light, and light demote,

Forget what once has been.


I say these things to sound the call,

Pray our people, one and all,

Will see the depth, and plumb the fall,

And seek our God once more.


Come together under God,

With readiness our feet are shod,

Cast out that old serpent’s fraud,

Because we know the score.


For if we seek God’s face and pray,

And turn back from our wicked way,

There will come a healing day,

The Lord will bless our land.


But without grace there is no hope,

The devil’s lies will be our dope,

Addicted to the slippery slope,

It’s time to take a stand.

“…I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land…” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NLT)

The standards of public morality have dramatically eroded in recent years. For most of our nation’s history, there was a general consensus on what was considered morally right or wrong. This consensus reflected the Judeo-Christian ethic as taught by congregations of faith. Sadly, this has been lost almost entirely. What does this mean exactly? It means that people of faith who still believe in moral absolutes will not enjoy the favor of the public, and may find themselves censored as never before. All thinking, prayerful Christians pray for our nation, and for spiritual awakening to occur. But we should also remember that the first century believers gave witness in a desperately idolatrous, immoral cultural milieu. And they were successful! We are praying for a great turning of people’s hearts to God. We are praying against the wave of immorality that threatens our children and grandchildren. But most of all we are asking the Lord to help us faithfully witness so that others will find the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Lord, pour out Your Holy Spirit on our nation, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Kenneth Wyatt, used by permission. Thanks, Kenneth, and God bless you.

Brad McClain