"Starry Night"
Ever since the ancient times,
Men have watched in wonder,
At the twinkling lights above,
Nothing steals their thunder.
Immensity, so many there,
Beyond light years away,
And still unless a cloudy night,
Their brilliance will hold sway.
Stars have always played a role,
In God’s great plan, you see,
They reflect God’s glory,
And always it will be.
The Bible says He named each one,
When He hurled them into space,
Constellations in the sky,
And all still have their place.
When God spoke to Abram,
Said look up in the sky,
Can you count the stars above,
Twinkling way up high.
Of course there’s no way he could,
But God still spoke what’s true,
You will have this many kids,
You’ll see what I can do.
And when God spoke this promise,
He said all will be blessed,
Through this son I give to you,
From the least up to the best.
And through the son a family,
Became a tribe of men,
That then became a nation,
And finally through them,
God sent to us a Savior,
They followed His own star,
And they named Him Jesus,
And though we’ve wandered far,
He died and rose to heal us,
A star we can become,
The promise made to Abraham,
Applies to all, not some.
The stars that shine say come to Him,
And you will find it’s true,
Everything God promises,
Is exactly what He’ll do.
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them.” (Psalm 147:3-4, NAS)
The One who created, numbered, and named all the stars heals the brokenhearted. Think about that. What you have in these verses is the immensity of God’s creative power, yet our wounds do not escape His attention. He binds them up. Jesus said He would call us by name, just as He calls the stars by name. Behold the grandeur and compassion of our God! He is not too good to be true.
Lord, heal us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Jack Sorenson, used by permission. Thanks, Jack, and God bless you.