"Christmas Time"

The Christmas lights of green and red,

Remind me of my youth,

The Merry Christmas that was said,

Our celebration of the truth.


So what all the bah humbugs say,

Their words a waste to me,

The lights point bright to Christmas Day,

The colors on the tree.


I love the carols, old and new,

I love the festive sound,

I listen, sing along it’s true,

So glad they’re still around.


I love the smiling faces,

Of children as they laugh,

And all the festive places,

I love to photograph.


I love the smell and taste of food,

The Christmas kitchen’s fruit,

The table with a happy mood,

The chef gets our salute,


I love the presents that we give,

The fun of gifts received,

Blessed the way we choose to live,

Because we’ve yet believed,


That when it all is said and done,

Through Christmas we are blessed,

A time-out from our desperate run,

Relief from all our stress.


And the message of the Christ-child,

Of peace to all the earth,

Reminds us of when our God smiled,

And proved our souls deep worth.


Christmas time!  O, Christmas time!

May God’s own Spirit flow,

Remind us of what’s true and fine,

And God’s great love to show.

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6, NAS)

Isaiah saw the the most wonderful gift God ever granted, His only Son. The Son would come as the One who brings the wonderful counsel of the Almighty. He will manifest the omnipotent power of God to heal and transform lives and bodies. He will do and say all that the Father does, and father the lost children home. He will grant peace that transcends human understanding. Christmas is too wonderful because of the Savior!

Lord, help us learn to celebrate what matters most, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Jack Sorenson, used by permission. Thanks, Jack, and God bless you.

Brad McClain