
That scorching hot old Texas sun,

Will make you sweat all day,

Drier than old Alabam,

But a hundred-plus in May.


And I am out there in it,

Doing things that must be done,

They say that I must “hydrate,”

But drinking water sounds more fun.


And one thing I will tell you,

That you might not really know,

Is when all of my hair went north,

That head sweat sure did flow.


And with no hair to dam it,

When I adjust my hat,

The water, it comes pouring down,

Did you ever think of that?


No, I didn’t either,

Till my head became this way,

I have to keep a towel near,

So I can see okay.


And mind my disappointment,

When that real nice straw I bought,

One week from when I got it,

A big sweat stain I fought.


It’s just a part of living,

A life with lots less hair,

But maybe it is not so bad,

I can do without it there.


I’ve got a cowboy tan line,

My pate’s a lighter shade,

Than what’s sunburned beneath it,

The look this weather made.


But I’ll just keep on wearing,

That stained old cowboy hat,

And trust the Lord to help me,

With every this and that.


And ask the Good Lord with me,

To cool us down with rain,

He’s just the One to do it,

And bless us once again.

“The Lord Himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night.” (Psalm 121:5-6, NLT)

In Texas we laughingly say that if you don’t like the weather just wait a few hours and it’ll soon change! Hot, dry, wet, cold- the extremes are what we get here! But, bottom line, the Lord is our shade. Isn’t that a beautiful promise? He’s with us to help us, take care of us, watch over us, and protect us. If you know this and really believe it, it changes everything about how confidently you move through life. That’s because God becomes your confidence! It’s the best way to live.

Lord, shade us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain