"Tally Book"
Every time I rode the pastures,
Dad said to get a count,
And so I kept a tally book,
To make sure the amount.
Of cattle that I checked on,
And those we saw were sick,
Some we roped and doctored,
And tried to do it quick.
Dad always asked how many,
I’d pull out my little pad,
Always keeping track of,
How many head we had.
I heard one of my heroes,
Boots O’Neal’s his name,
Talk about God’s tally book,
And God’s brand the same.
And, yes, it set me thinkin’,
About my early years,
And those times I was sinkin’,
Into trouble, sin and fears.
But thankfully I now can say,
When God’s last round-up flies,
And we all stand before Him,
At His throne beyond the skies,
He’ll see I’m marked and branded,
By Jesus’ blood made clean,
My name’s in His tally book,
If you know what I mean.
It’s written there by Jesus,
Penned by nail-scarred hand in red,
And the Lord has saved me,
Just the way He said.
So, cowboy, if you’re wonderin’,
How it will be with you,
Don’t wait another minute,
Call on the Lord to do,
What He has done for others,
There’s none He cannot heal,
If you call on Jesus’ name,
He’ll show you that He’s real.
”Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” (Revelation 21:27, NIV)
When John the Revelator spoke of our eternal home, he described it as a place of awesome beauty and holiness. The curse of sin is totally removed, and all who enter that place are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Their names are written in what He calls the “Lamb’s book of life.” There is much about all this that we cannot understand this side of heaven. But what we can be certain of is that our names are written there. How can one be sure? When we surrender our lives to Jesus we exchange control for assurance. He has promised to make us sure, and when He does, nothing can steal it from us.
Lord, give us Your assurance, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bill Owen, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless. (cowhorsegallery.com.)