

I caught my mare and cinched up tight,

And always she behaves all right,

But felt real jiggy on that night,

I wondered what was wrong.

Across the way another horse,

Moved toward us real slow of course,

Seemed like he might be the source,

Of how mine got along.


And sure enough he was a stud,

And Belle is marish to the blood,

She danced a bit through that old mud,

I had to hold her back.

That stud moved on, his rider waved,

And Belle went on so well-behaved,

She didn’t buck and I was saved,

She gave me no more flack.


It comes to me that’s how things go,

When temptation comes you know,

Gives us all a chance to grow,

Until it goes on by.

God says He’ll provide a way,

To overcome and never sway,

His grace is there, we’ll be okay,

He’ll help us if we try.

“…And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13b, NIV)

Temptation comes to everyone, and there is no disgrace when it happens. Jesus Himself was tempted, yet He never yielded to it. In fact the Bible says He was tempted in every way, yet without sin. We, too, must be prepared for that moment when the enemy will try to use our natural desires to take us in the wrong direction. This promise and others like it tell us God always provides a way out. Can you go looking for trouble that will overwhelm you? Yes, no doubt about it. But if you are otherwise on trace and temptation comes, look for God’s answer because it’s always there.

Lord, show us how to overcome every temptation, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission. Thanks, Kirstie, and God bless you.

Brad McClain